School Counselor
School Counselor
Mrs. Gena Catino
Do YOU know the 6 pillars of character?
1. Trustworthiness
2. Respect
3. Responsibility
4. Fairness
5. Caring
6. Citizenship
About Your School Counselor
I graduated from Ashland University with a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and completed my Master's Degree in School Counseling at Cleveland State University. This is my 15th year with Berea City Schools, and my 12th as a school counselor. Prior to working in Berea, I taught at a private school for 4 years. I live in Olmsted Falls with my husband, three children and 2 dogs. I love to read, take bike rides, listen to all kinds of music, and root for the Browns!
For Students
Lunch bunches: Approximately 5 lunch bunches will be scheduled each month. You can find the lunch bunch sign up sheet hanging on the chalkboard in my classroom! Students are scheduled on a first come, first served basis
For Parents
Do you think your child could benefit from meeting with the school counselor? Please fill out the Student Referral Form and email it to me at or drop it off in the Big Creek main office. Counselors are also able to provide referrals to agencies and individuals in the community who provide counseling for children and families.
Parent Request for School Counselor Support
Community Counseling Provider List
Please look for tips, resources and information regarding programming in the Counselor's Corner sections of the Big Creek Newsletter
Social Emotional Learning Games and Apps for Kids
Games and apps covering a wide range of SEL, including feelings identification, coping skills, recognizing the feelings of others,��and mindfulness